020 8742 2861
At CTA we believe that a training in dance and drama is one of the best investments you can make for your child's future
Adults Classes
Join the CTA Community
Spring Term 2020 Monday 6 January - Friday 3 April 2020 (half-term closure 17-23 February)
Our adult classes run during the daytime and evening during school term dates and can be started at any time during the term. To give you the greatest flexibility in paying and attendance you can enrol for the complete term (best price), or buy a 10 or 5 class carnet (with the exception of the Acting for Adults class which is termly enrolment only).
Dancing is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing can help you lose weight, stay flexible, reduce stress, make friends, and so so much more!
Exercising as we get older can:
prevent cardiovascular disease,
delay the onset of diabetes,
diminish the symptoms of depression and improve mental health, and
relieve the pain from arthritis.
diminishes the risk of falling or if a fall occurs, speeds up one's ability to recover from a fall
Dance is the most fantastic way to keep fit and at CTA we have classes that are suitable for all ages and abilities. It’s never too late to start dancing! Our classes are fun, friendly, sociable, taking place in our own professional dance studios with sprung floors which are located in the heart of Chiswick. You will soon make new friends at CTA and share some wonderful times and memories with those you meet on your dancing journey.

Dad's Dance Crew
Starting Thursday 23 January 2020
DAD'S - this Street/Hip Hop Dance based class will be the highlight of your week!!
No experience necessary - just enthusiasm.
The benefits of being part of our Dad's Dance Crew include:
one hour less screen time per week
getting fit
making new friends
alleviating stress
not embarrassing your children when dancing at social functions
having fun
LEVEL General
Thursday 7.45pm 60 minutes
Becky Black
Contact us for termly enrolment
£135.00 for 10 class carnet
£72.50 for 5 class carnet

Our ADULT TAP classes are open to everyone – from complete beginners to advanced! So if you've always dreamed of dancing like Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers, here at CTA you can realise your dreams!
Our tap classes are very sociable and are guaranteed to make you laugh and have fun whilst getting fitter!
All our tap classes are tailored to the participants in each class – so whether you are a complete beginner, used to tap dance as a child or know how to shuffle ball change, our classes will get you tip tapping away! If you don’t have tap shoes, you can purchase a pair from our Reception (if we don’t have your size in stock we can order for you and they will be there for your next tap class!)
Those who attend our Inter/Advanced Tap class on Monday at 9.00pm have the opportunity to perform on stage at the Chiswick Theatre Arts Annual Summer Dance Shows at Questors Theatre in Ealing.
Benefits of Tap Dancing
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Improves muscular strength
Improves flexibility and co-ordination
Improves cognitive abilities
Improves rhythm and timing and musical awareness
Improves balance
Its just the most brilliant fun!
Elizabeth Larkam, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise states that “tap is safe to do throughout our lives because it can adapt to any fitness level.” So as one of the opening lines from the great tap musical 42nd Street says “Put on your tap shoes Frances!” And come to CTA and join one of our wonderful tap classes taught by one of our wonderful tap teachers!!
What to wear
Loose comfortable clothing that is easy to move in – T-shirt, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and tap shoes. Tap shoes may be purchased from our reception.
LEVEL Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Monday 8.00pm 60 minutes (Beginner/Intermediate)
Monday 9.00pm 60 minutes (Intermediate/Advanced)
Tara Sweeting
Contact us for termly enrolment
£135.00 for 10 class carnet
£72.50 for 5 class carnet

Zumba Gold & Seated Stretch
ZUMBA as a workout isn’t a workout. Our Zumba classes at CTA are taught by former West End Musical Theatre dancer Karen Freeman, so our classes are like one joyous dance party! The music is fast, upbeat and contagious, so you can’t help but keep moving. And the health benefits of doing Zumba are vast!
Benefits of doing Zumba
Weight loss. You can burn between 600-1000 calories in a 1 hour class.
Improved coordination: By joining a Zumba class, you’ll definitely improve your coordination, which is extremely important to maintain as you grow older.
Full body workout: Zumba is both a dance class and a fitness class. Aside from its heart-health benefits, Zumba provides a workout for the whole body. From head and shoulder rolls that loosen up the neck and warm up the upper body, to footwork that strengthens and stretches calves and ankles, this fitness method touches on nearly every muscle and joint.
Aerobic benefits: Zumba makes reaching your target heart rate much easier than standard workout routines you’d find on a DVD or in a gym.
Anaerobic benefits: Because Zumba’s music plays at a fast pace, moving to the beat of the music can start to build up your endurance after only a few workouts. It builds up your anaerobic endurance
Everyone can join in: Zumba is for everyone! Because Zumba is based on music and dance, it seems to speak a universal language that people of all nations can related to. There is no large learning curve in a Zumba class, either. New participants may receive small-scale step rehearsals before some longer dances, but in most cases, first-timers can simply jump right into a class and follow along with the instructor.
Increased confidence: Thanks to all that dancing that a Zumba workout requires, you’ll lower your inhibitions, you’ll improve your posture, you’ll have better coordination and you’ll feel good about yourself. These changes will reflect immediately on your mood and on your appearance. Someone who feels good also has greater confidence.
Mood boosting: Zumba is the perfect workout to take if you want to get rid of all that stress you accumulate during your every day. The upbeat moves specific to this type of workout favor the release of those mood-improving endorphins, and by joining a Zumba class, you’ll surely be able to feel your worries melt away as you lose yourself in the music.
It’s social: At a Zumba class, you’ll be able to meet and interact with interesting and fun people.
What to wear​
Clothes that are comfortable and are easy to move in: tracksuit bottoms, leggings and a T-shirt. Trainers. No bare feet.
LEVEL General
Friday 10.00am 60 minutes
Contact us for termly enrolment
£135.00 for 10 class carnet
£72.50 for 5 class carnet

ADULT BALLET is suitable for all ages and levels and is taught by Emma Findlay who has danced with English National Ballet. Beginners Welcome.
Our ballet classes are fun, friendly and inspirational! Those participating in our Monday evening ballet class have the opportunity of performing a classical ballet dance at Questors Theatre in Ealing as part of the Chiswick Theatre Arts Annual Summer Dance Show. This is always such a highlight of the year for our Monday ballet class with participants ranging in age from their 20's – 60’s!
The benefits of doing Ballet
A ballet class will target many different parts of the body. The arms, legs, back, stomach muscles, feet and ankles are all strengthened and toned. Regular participation in ballet can
improve posture and balance
Boost confidence
Build muscles and agility
Improve flexibility
Burn calories
Sharpen cognitive function
Relieve stress
Build social connections
The physical benefits of taking up ballet will become noticeable within a few weeks of regular attendance at a class.
However the feel-good effects of a lesson will be apparent almost immediately because, in addition to a physical workout, ballet is an excellent exercise in mental well-being. Those taking a ballet class are not only exercising their bodies but their brains are also being given a very good workout!
What to wear
Some participants wear leotard and tights, whilst others dance in leggings, tracksuit bottoms and a T-Shirt. Ballet shoes are required and may be purchased from our Reception.
LEVEL General
Monday 7.00pm 75 minutes
Contact us for termly enrolment
£168.75 for 10 class carnet
£90.50 for 5 class carnet

Acting for Adults
Starting Wednesday 22 January 2020 for 10 weeks 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
During this packed 10 week course, we’re thrilled to be introducing to you a wide range of skills used by industry professionals. It’s a sneaky peak behind the curtain into the vast toolkit actors use, which will allow you to connect to character and create a skilled and truthful performance. Ironically, the course is designed to get you to NOT act, but rather to simply BE as truthful as possible in any medium of the profession.
We’ll touch upon exciting techniques such as the Stanislavski method- the foundation of all modern acting as we know it today; Meisner technique, widely used by most, if not all, screen actors, from television to Hollywood; and delve in to a more classical approach in demystifying Shakespeare and his contemporaries; all the while striving for truth and believability, no matter the genre.
This exciting course is suitable for those who have always wanted to act, those who are a bit rusty and to those who need to brush up on their skills.
The course is run by Aled Pedrick. Aled trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and is a professional actor, singer and theatre director. He is a teacher on the BA Acting course at Guildhall, London Southbank University, University of Wales and other institutions across the UK. His most recent work as an actor include S4C’s 35 Awr and Sherman Theatre’s Woof (directed by Gethin Evans), and as director, his production of Saturday Night Forever for the Welsh National Theatre was on National tour earlier this year.
His acting credits include: Doctor Who (BBC); 35 Awr (S4C); Lewis (ITV); Parch (S4C); Woof (Sherman Theatr); Say It With Flowers (Sherman Theatre); The Nitcracker (Theatre Royal, Bath); Poking the Bear (Theatre 503).
As director he has worked at Finborough Theatre (The Doll Mender/Saer Doliau; The Welsh National Theatre (Nos Sadwrn O Hyd; Pan Oedd Y Bydd Yn Fach); Theatre Clwyd (My People); and a national tour with Invertago Theatre Company (The Tower).
£250 for each 10 week term