020 8742 2861
At CTA we believe that a training in dance and drama is one of the best investments you can make for your child's future
Summer Holiday 2020 Online & in-Studio Camps
Programme runs from 3 August to 28 August 2020
This summer 2020, CTA are offering their Summer Camps online and in-Studio for kids & teens. Our online summer camps provide an active, creative learning experience where students have the opportunity to react with teachers and classmates from all around the world, all from the comfort of their own home.
Our online camps are held in virtual classrooms via a secure Zoom Platform. Each participant will experience real -time interaction with their teacher and classmates.
Our in-Studio camps are held at the CTA Studios in accordance with all government provisions and medical guidance on social distancing and hygiene.
Camp Surprise Box
For our 3-7 years and 7-12 years online Musical Theatre Camps, we will deliver free to your front door our Camp Surprise Box for each weekly camp (non-UK based students may be charged an additional postage fee). All eligible in-Studio camp attendees will receive the Camp Surprise Box in person at the CTA Studios.
Summer Camp Schedule ​
Week of Monday 3 August - Friday 7 August
7-12 years: Online Summer Camp Roald Dahl Magic & Mayhem Week: 2.00pm-4.00pm
7-12 years: Academy of Magic & Roald Dahl Magic and Mayhem in-Studio: 10.00am-4.00pm
10-13 years: Online Filmmaking Summer Camp for 10-13 yrs: 1.00pm-3.00pm
10-13 years: Filmmaking Summer Camp for 10-13yrs in-Studio: 1.00pm-3.00pm
14-17 years: Online Filmmaking Summer Camp for 14-17 yrs: 3.30pm-5.300pm
14-17 years: Filmmaking Summer Camp for 14-17 yrs in-Studio: 3.30pm-5.30pm
15-19 years: Online August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive: 6.00pm-8.00pm
15-19 years: August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive in-Studio: 6.00pm-8.00pm
Week of Monday 10 August - Friday 14 August
3-7 years: Princesses & Superheroes Training Academy Online: 9.30am-10.30am
5-8 years: Princesses & Superheroes Training Academy in-Studio: 9.30am-12.30pm
7-12 years: Online Kids Musical Theatre Summer Camp: 10.00am-12.00pm
7-12 years: Kids Musical Theatre Summer Camp & Rotten to the Core in-Studio: 10.00-4.00pm
10-13 years: Online Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 10-13 years: 1.00pm-3.00pm
10-13 years: Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 10-13 yrs in-Studio: 1.00pm-3.00pm
14-17 years: Online Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 14-17 years: 3.30pm-5.30pm
14-17 years: Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 14-17 yrs in-Studio: 3.30pm-5.30pm
15-19 years: Online August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive: 6.00pm-8.00pm
15-19 years: August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive in-Studio: 6.00pm-8.00pm
Week of Monday 17 August - Friday 21 August
7-12 years: Once Upon A Musical & Broadway Bound in-Studio: 10.00am-4.00pm
10-13 years: Online Filmmaking Summer Camp for 10-13 years: 1.00pm-3.00pm
10-13 years: Filmmaking Summer Camp for 10-13 yrs in-Studio: 1.00pm-3.00pm
14-17 years: Online Filmmaking Summer Camp for 14-17 years: 3.30pm-5.30pm
14-17 years: Filmmaking Summer Camp for 14-17 yrs in-Studio: 3.30pm-5.30pm
15-19 years: Online August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive: 6.00pm-8.00pm
15-19 years: August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive in-Studio: 6.00pm-8.00pm
Week of Monday 24 August - Friday 28 August
7-12 years: The Show Must Go On-line: A Virtual Children's Musical: 10.00am-12.00pm
7-12 years: Online Musical Theatre Summer Camp 'Beastly Musicals": 2.00pm-4.00pm
7-12 years: The Show Must Go On-line & Beastly Musicals in-Studio:10.00am-4.00pm
10-13 years: Online Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 10-13 years: 1.00pm-3.00pm
10-13 years: Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 10-13 yrs in-Studio: 1.00pm-3.00pm
14-17 years: Online Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 14-17 years: 3.30pm-5.30pm
14-17 years: Summer Camp in Stage & Screen Acting for 14-17 yrs in-Studio: 3.30pm-5.30pm
15-19 years: Online August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive: 6.00pm-8.00pm
15-19 years: August Drama School Audition Technique Intensive in-Studio: 6.00pm-8.00pm
Camp Details (Online)
Each camp receives the following...
3-7 year camps get five 1 hour Live Zoom classes per week and
dancing, singing & acting
themed activities
7-12 year camps get five 2 hour Live Zoom classes per week and
dancing, singing & acting
themed activities
crafts (not The Show Must Go On-line)
10-13 year and 14-17 year Acting and Filmmaking camps get five 2 hour Live Zoom classes per week
15-19 year August Drama School Audition Intensive gets three 2 hour Live Zoom classes per week for 4 weeks
Camp Details (in-Studio)
Each camp gets the same activities as the online camps though the camp duration may differ (see details of individual camps)
Camp Surprise Box (3-7 years, 5-8 years and 7-12 years)
Receive a special box for each week enrolled. Boxes will be delivered free to your front door (for online camps) (non-UK based attendees may be charged an additional postage fee) and will be received in person for in-Studio camps.
Themed crafts
Supplementary activities for the week
certificate of completion
Pricing (Online)
Purchase Individual Weeks
1 hour per day camp (3-7 yrs)
£70 per week including your Camp Surprise Box delivered to your front door
2 hours per day Musical Theatre camps (7-12 yrs)
£116 per week including your Camp Surprise Box delivered to your front door (no Camp Surprise Box for The Show Must Go On-line)
2 hours per day Acting for Stage & Screen Camps (10-13 yrs & 14-17yrs)
£150 per week (max. 20 attendees per camp)
2 hours per day Filmmaking Camps (10-13 yrs & 14-17yrs)
£150 per week (max. 20 attendees per camp)
6 hours per week over 4 weeks August Drama School Audition Intensive
£480 for the 4 weeks (max. 12 attendees)
Pricing (in-Studio)
Purchase Individual Weeks
3 hours per day camp (3-7 yrs)
£210 per week including your Camp Surprise (max. 10 attendees per camp)
6 hours per day Musical Theatre camps (7-12 yrs)
£360 per week including your Camp Surprise Box (no Camp Surprise Box for The Show Must Go On-line) (max. 10 attendees per camp)
2 hour per day Acting for Stage & Screen Camps (10-13 yrs & 14-17yrs)
£150 per week (max. 10 attendees per camp)
2 hour per day Filmmaking Camps (10-13 yrs & 14-17yrs)
£150 per week (max. 10 attendees per camp)
6 hour per week over 4 weeks August Drama School Audition Intensive
£480 for the 4 weeks (max. 10 attendees)
Two Musical Theatre Camps in 1 Week Package
Book a morning and afternoon camp in the same week and get a £10 discount off both camps (please call us on 020 8742 2861 or email us on office@chiswicktheatrearts.com to get this discount)
Filmmaking and Acting for Screen & Stage Camp Package
Book a Filmmaking and an Acting for Screen & Stage camp and get £10 of each camp (please call us on 020 8742 2861 or email us on office@chiswicktheatrearts.com to get this discount)
CTA reserves the right to cancel any camp if the minimum enrollment is not met. Refunds will be issued if CTA cancels any camp

Can’t stop this feeling of having a wonderful hair raising time during this rainbow Trolls inspired week. We will save Troll land making sure to avoid the Burgens. Wear your brightest clothes each day, ready to sing and dance and create a craft from your Camp Surprise Box! Our true colours will shine through and we will finish the week with a Rainbow Trolls party! Led by Emma Findlay
Ages 3-7 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August

Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
10.00am - 12.00pm
Calling all witches and wizards and Harry Potter fans and join us in our Academy of Magic to experience a spellbinding week of fun, inspired by the stories of Harry Potter, Merlin and other magical characters. Come and join in with our spellbinding drama games, wicked crafting activities and magical story telling. All you need is your imagination and creativity and we can make some Magic together! Your Camp Surprise Box will be full of wonderful surprises and you are sure to graduate from the Academy of Magic with flying colours! Led by Jill Hunter

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 15-19 yrs
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
3 August - 28 August
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Do you want to audition for Drama School? Are you interested in a career in acting? Are you still exploring the possibilities of acting as a career?
This course is open to students of all levels:
If you are deciding whether to choose acting as a career
If you want to know more about auditioning for Drama School.
If you are auditioning for drama schools this coming academic year
If you have auditioned previously but not been awarded a place at their preferred drama school.
This 4 week intensive course (24 hours in total) is designed to give the young actor a toolbox of techniques to help strengthen their audition technique and increase confidence in performance and to shine at their drama school auditions. This course will cover:
How to stand out at your drama school audition
Discover what the audition panel are looking for
Choosing the drama school that is right for you
Finding the right classical and contemporary monologues
Acting technique
Voice technique
Learn all of the basic concepts of approaching your monologues: defining objectives, breaking the monologue down into beats, understanding the arc, pursuing an objective, playing actions, and working to overcome obstacles
Looking at the work of Meisner and Stanislavski
This course is limited to a maximum of 12 students (online & in-studio).
Led by Aled Pedrick

Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
10.00am - 12.00pm
This is a week to discover a new skill or polish an old one! If you’ve never tried Musical Theatre, what are you waiting for! This is the week for you. If you are an old hand, come along and shine! Focusing on School of Rock and Annie, both huge hits that have children at the heart of their stories. Acting, Dancing and Singing, who wouldn’t want to be a triple threat? And what will be in your Camp Surprise Box to inspire and create during this wonderful week! Led by Jill Hunter

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Singing a happy tune and dancing to the jungle beat – during this week, we will journey through into a magical world inspired by some of the wonderful films of Walt Disney. In your Camp Surprise Box you will find a craft to create each day, as you sing, dance, act and play Disney inspired games in this extraordinary week of Disney magical and creative fun. Come dressed as your favourite Disney character. Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 3-7 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August

Many wonderful musicals started life as a classic story book - Oliver, Alice In Wonderland, Wizard of Oz and Honk (Ugly Duckling). In this week of musical theatre adventure, we are going to focus on these classic tales and ACT, DANCE and SING our way off the pages and into your front rooms! Drama games and crafting adds to the fun and be inspired by your Camp Surprise Box delivered to your door! Led by Jill Hunter
Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
10.00am - 12.00pm

Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
10.00am - 4.00pm

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 3-7 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
Inspired by the musicals Frozen and Frozen 2 we will take our tiny performers into the magical world of Frozen, journeying into the unexplored world of Frozen Wonderland, using dance, the dramatic arts and crafts. Each day peek into your Camp Surprise Box and create a craft that will be part of your journey to the Fantastic Frozen Freeze Dance Party. We will encounter icy adventures, fantastic friends and much more, in this pure frozen magical fun week! Led by Emma Findlay

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
We are delighted to have the rights to present in this weeks Summer Camp the brand new virtual musical by BeatbyBeats which has been written to be rehearsed and performed remotely! In this first-of-its kind musical, each actor in our workshop will record a 1-2 minute scene/song to which they will rehearse, video record, and then send to CTA! When all the videos are played in order, they tell the hilarious story of a group of passionate students desperate to keep their annual musical alive…online! Led by Maddie Harper
CTA will create a 30-40 minute musical film of the entire musical ready for performance for family and friends to watch! A wonderful film to keep as a memory of this time.
The musical has 21 characters – so places are limited - book early to avoid disappointment.
Synopsis: A frazzled drama teacher sends a video message to her students from her home office, announcing that their production of Brushes With Greatness: The Dental Hygiene Musical has been cancelled! She tries to hang up, but accidentally leaves the camera running, as she receives a phone call from the principal who tells her: without the musical, the drama program will be shut down…….

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Can’t stop this feeling of having a wonderful hair raising time during this rainbow Trolls inspired week. We will save Troll land making sure to avoid the Burgens. Wear your brightest clothes each day, ready to sing and dance and create a craft from your Camp Surprise Box! Our true colours will shine through and we will finish the week with a Rainbow Trolls party! Led by Emma Findlay
Ages 5-8 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August

Roald Dahl has inspired so many creative people and this week he is going to inspire us! Do you want to be a Revolting child along with Matilda and chums or go with Charlie to the Chocolate Factory? Drama games, acting, singing and crafting will take us into our imaginations… Who knows where we might end up! What will Matilda have put in the Camp Surprise Box that we will deliver to your door? Led by Jill Hunter
Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
2.oopm - 4.00pm
Calling all witches and wizards, Harry Potter fans and Roald Dahl fans and join us in our Academy of Magic and Mayhem to experience a spellbinding week of fun. Inspired by the stories of Harry Potter, Merlin, Matilda, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and other magical characters you will join in with our spellbinding drama games, wicked crafting activities, singing and magical story telling. All you need is your imagination and creativity and we can make some Magic together! Your Camp Surprise Box will be full of wonderful surprises - what will Matilda have put in your Camp Surprise Box? Led by Jill Hunter
Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 3 August -
Friday 7 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 15-19 yrs
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
3 August - 28 August
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Do you want to audition for Drama School? Are you interested in a career in acting? Are you still exploring the possibilities of acting as a career?
This course is open to students of all levels:
If you are deciding whether to choose acting as a career
If you want to know more about auditioning for Drama School.
If you are auditioning for drama schools this coming academic year
If you have auditioned previously but not been awarded a place at their preferred drama school.
This 4 week intensive course (24 hours in total) is designed to give the young actor a toolbox of techniques to help strengthen their audition technique and increase confidence in performance and to shine at their drama school auditions. This course will cover:
How to stand out at your drama school audition
Discover what the audition panel are looking for
Choosing the drama school that is right for you
Finding the right classical and contemporary monologues
Acting technique
Voice technique
Learn all of the basic concepts of approaching your monologues: defining objectives, breaking the monologue down into beats, understanding the arc, pursuing an objective, playing actions, and working to overcome obstacles
Looking at the work of Meisner and Stanislavski
This course is limited to a maximum of 12 students (online & in-Studio).
Led by Aled Pedrick

Our princesses and superheroes will attend the CTA Zoom Training Academy for all would be superheroes and princesses. Spend the week learning how to be the perfect princess and the smartest superhero. With all the skills you will learn during the week, using singing, dancing, storytelling and with the crafts that you will make from your Camp Surprise Box, you will surely graduate with flying colours and gain your ROYAL Achievement Certificate! Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 5-8 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August

Calling all Descendants fans and those who want to explore the villainous side to their character! In Rotten to the Core we will explore your favourite villains and recreate your own! We will be performing monologues, creating dances and learning songs based around your villainous characters! Join us for a week of villainous fun! Your Camp Surprise Box will be delivered to your door! Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
2.00pm - 4.00pm
This is a week to discover new skills in Musical Theatre or polish old ones! The first part of the daily sessions focusses on School of Rock and Annie, both huge hits that have children at the heart of their stories. Acting, Dancing and Singing, who wouldn’t want to be a triple threat? And the second part of the daily sessions will be devoted to exploring the villainous side to your character performing monologues, creating dances and learning songs based around your villainous characters! Join us for a week of villainous fun! what will be in your Camp Surprise Box to inspire and create during this wonderful week! Led by Jill Hunter

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Singing a happy tune and dancing to the jungle beat – during this week, we will journey through into a magical world inspired by some of the wonderful films of Walt Disney. In your Camp Surprise Box you will find a craft to create each day, as you sing, dance, act and play Disney inspired games in this extraordinary week of Disney magical and creative fun. Come dressed as your favourite Disney character. Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 5-8 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August

London has it’s West End and New York has Broadway. A magical place in the world of theatre. In this week we are going to focus on two contrasting musicals that have been huge hits both sides of the water - Hairspray and The Lion King! We will learn songs, dance and act as well as play games, make new friends and create some art! Let’s hope there isn’t a lion in your Camp Surprise
Box! Led by Jill Hunter
Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
2.00pm - 4.00pm
In this week of musical theatre adventure, we are going to focus on Oliver, Alice In Wonderland, Wizard of Oz and Honk (Ugly Duckling). And in the afternoon sessions we will focus on two contrasting musicals that have been huge hits in both the West End and Broadway - Hairspray and The Lion King. Drama games and crafting adds to the fun and be inspired by your Camp Surprise Box waiting for you at the Studios! Led by Jill Hunter

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 17 August -
Friday 21 August
Film, direct and edit your own film while discovering how films are made! Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking:
Plan a production schedule
Write a script
Set your lighting
How to use a camera to tell stories
Filming techniques
At the end of the week, you will have created your own short film!
No experience necessary – just enthusiasm.
Led by Tiarnan O'Sullivan

Ages 5-8 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
Inspired by the musicals Frozen and Frozen 2 we will take our tiny performers into the magical world of Frozen, journeying into the unexplored world of Frozen Wonderland, using dance, the dramatic arts and crafts. Each day peek into your Camp Surprise Box and create a craft that will be part of your journey to the Fantastic Frozen Freeze Dance Party. We will encounter icy adventures, fantastic friends and much more, in this pure frozen magical fun week! Led by Emma Findlay

Bring out the Musical Theatre beast in yourself and come and join us for a week of Beastly musicals! Musicals we will discover and explore are Beauty and the Beast, Seussical and Cats. Bring a book for Beauty and the Beast, a ‘thing’ for Seussical and your Cat (real or a toy) for Cats!! We will mash up all 3 musicals to create a story line that is full of Beastly magic and learn a song and a dance from each show. Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 7-12 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
2.00pm - 4.00pm

Ages 10-13 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Ages 14-17 yrs
Monday 24 August -
Friday 28 August
In the CTA Acting for Stage and Screen camps, our students will be immersed in a professional educational experience, that is fun & interactive. This course is led by an acting tutor at a top London Drama School. Through theatre/improv games and scene work, students imaginations and creativity can blossom to their full potential. Students in this class will create characters and learn to trust their instincts, building confidence and developing independent thinking along the way. Led by Aled Pedrick.
In this course you will study:
Acting for film
Acting for stage
Stage and Film Acting Techniques
Voice Work
Monologues and scenes
Creating characters
CTA students have gone onto star in films – including Finley Hobbins star of Disney’s Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton, Good People Starring Kate Hudson and James Franco (Orlando & Beau Burns-Tucker) and on the West End stage in the title role in the musical Matilda. Experience not necessary – just enthusiasm!

Our princesses and superheroes will attend the CTA Zoom Training Academy for all would be superheroes and princesses. Spend the week learning how to be the perfect princess and the smartest superhero. With all the skills you will learn during the week, using singing, dancing, storytelling and with the crafts that you will make from your Camp Surprise Box, you will surely graduate with flying colours and gain your ROYAL Achievement Certificate! Led by Maddie Harper
Ages 3-7 yrs
Monday 10 August -
Friday 14 August
Spend the morning working on The Brand New Virtual Musical by BeatbyBeats 'The Show Must Go On-line' (see above for details) and the afternoon discovering and exploring Beauty and the Beast, Seussical and Cats. Bring a book for Beauty and the Beast, a ‘thing’ for Seussical and your Cat (real or a toy) for Cats!! We will mash up all 3 musicals to create a story line that is full of Beastly magic and learn a song and a dance from each show. Led by Maddie Harper